I am all grass, a green lady, 
the sheep and the cows feed on me. 

I am giddy with my heavy tump, 
indeed, I cannot see for daisies. 

My breasts are fat with cowslips 
and my womanhood has begun to spawn: 

moths of motherhood are on the wing 
and beetles are creeping forth again . . . 

Now sparkling and heavy falls the rain: 
I am covered all over with water-drops. 

My red hood is drenched and sweet 
and a little child shelters underneath my skirts. 

My lover’s umbrella blows inside out. 
O look! Look at the rainbow! 

How bright are your eyes, O my lover! 
Do no[t] worry about your umbrella. 

Our lips are snailed and tight together 
while horses hold down their dripping heads.
