SKYLARK-LOFT What heavy awe, what darkling earth when lightly aloft the laver-rook rings with a trirr, a trirr, a chittering trirr: a quick-mist winging and tready-feathered wing-mist winging, with a trirr: as steadily the feather-wedged whirrer drives against the weight of the louring, pillowy light with a trirr, a trirr, a chittering trirr: a trirr, a trirr, a chittering trirr, with a trirr: till in the lew-warm light, for height, I had thought him softly drowned aloft but for the trirr, dim trirr, dim trirr, dim trirr, dim-- --spin-arrowing dive, he drops down soundless, into grass.