NO TRUTH IN EMPTY NUTSHELLS* A beck-door man for muddy-water women, he fished with cunning bait: ‘My hairy arms make very good money. I am cursed,’ he said, ‘with fulfilment!’ He promised her joy, bright as a canary, and a long life, like a sneeze, until blankly loosening her carnal-strings she fell for that toad-in-the-hole. A length of thread that became a riddle grew tangled to hid her fears, and grief ran darkly in her veins as he tormented her with a pitchfork. But careworn as a sardine without a head she had no bedroom luck, modesty her shroud. Dumb with failure she consulted her almanack and departed this life. He, sparing her clothes left a thermometer stuck in her reputation and confessed, ‘No truth in empty nutshells!’ -- ever ready-reckoner-minded.____________________________
* This and the following two poems from INTIMIDATIONS OF MORTALITY are as they originally appeared in FORMAT 1 (1966). INTIMIDATIONS OF MORTALITY eventually appeared as a Gogmagog Press book in 1977. - BH/03