Joe McCabe

SETTING: On a table at center stage is a telephone answering machine with its message light blinking. MOM (a woman in her fifties) enters, goes to the machine, hits PLAY, and listens to this recorded message.

(SUZANNE'S VOICE) I've got to talk to you, Mom. I don't think I should marry Jack. The wedding's only a week away, and I want to call it off. Or postpone it at least. My gut tells me I'd be making a huge mistake, if I married him now. But I'm torn. I don't want my daughter to be born without a father. That would be awful for her. It wouldn't be good for her brothers either. I know they'd get teased. And I do believe that Jack would be a good Dad for our daughter, and he has tried to be good to the boys too. I'll give him that much credit. He has played ball with them, and sometimes, when I need a break, he'll take them for a walk. And he did quit drinking when I asked him to. But I still have some other problems with him. The main one is his BMW sports car. I told him months ago we'd need something all five of us would fit into. He promised me then that he'd trade that damn thing in and get a station wagon, but he hasn't done it. Maybe he loves it more than he loves me. I'm afraid that, if I married him now, before we have a station wagon, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I'd never be able to trust him to keep a promise. I never want to go through another divorce. All that hassle. And heartache. It took me two years to pay off Rodney's bills. Credit cards and taxes. Rodney's child support checks are still late sometimes, and Jack wastes money too. That damn sports car costs much more than a good station wagon would. I'm not young any more, Mom. I'll hit the Big Three-Oh in two weeks. What kind of a man would marry a woman in her thirties with three kids? Jack may be my very last chance. Give me a call, Mom. Please. I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing for all of us.